The Before Picture
The Fabric Stash 
Now I have a cardigan, of sorts, that I will likely wear, instead of a turtleneck I won't. It made me a little nervous to think of cutting up a wonderfully cozy and soft Express sweater, but I live in Southern California and we just don't get many chances to wear heavy turtleneck sweaters. Besides, I have the same sweater in blue. They were hand me downs from a friend. So, after searching the Internet, I found my inspiration from anemone on livejournal. All I did was cut up the sweater to the neck and then cut off the turtleneck. Next, I cut a strip of the jersey fabric leftover from my skirt. Finally, I sewed the jersey on like you would bias tape. I added some hooks on the inside of the jersey to be able to close the cardigan. The new neckline lays better on me than it does on the flat table. I'm excited to wear it on Sunday.
Technically I paid less than $3 for this jersey fabric at a fabric discount store, but I did that months ago. So this skirt cost me nothing today, which is what matters, because it is today that I don't have extra money. This skirt tutorial from Altered Cloth was super easy to follow and it sewed up very quickly (even for me and I'm usually really slow). I've had plans to make this skirt forever and just hadn't gotten around to it until now. Yay! I'm very excited to have an outfit I made to wear on Valentine's Day. I've never made myself a whole outfit.
I am completely in love with this outfit! I love the colour of your cardi and the pattern on the skirt as much as I love its shape! I'm immediately off to check the link to the tutorial... I want to make myself one! I am really inspired by this work, thanks!!!!!